This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and if you are a teacher or have ever been a teacher...BLESS YOUR HEART. I, myself, survived three years of teaching preschool long before I had my own kids and let me say, it's one tough job. I so appreciate my son's teachers and what they do and the sacrifices they make to teach him everything he needs to know in his little first grade world.
I wanted to do so much more than give them a handmade gift. How do you thank them enough for their time, effort, patience, strength, love and constant care? They truly are a blessing and I'm so thankful that our son had these teachers.
Because I know they must be counting down the days til the end of year as much as the students are, I thought these gifts would be most appropriate for the end of the year.
This first one is a frame celebrating summer and all the things we enjoy about it. Picnics, ice cream, grillin' out, lemonade, vacation, etc.

This photo/memo clip is going to the college student that helps the teachers out on occasion. Just a little something to say thank you. Maybe one day, she'll use it in her own classroom.

This last one is about the beach, baby. Sun and fun wrapped up in a little frame. It features a surfboard, swim trunks and a bathing suit.

Hope they like them!