I hope you had a wonder"full" Thanksgiving. It was a nice break for us and I didn't work on any projects over those few days. We got to enjoy lots and lots of family time. From celebrating my hubbie's birthday on Wednesday, feasting at two different homes on Thanksgiving Day to hosting a homemade pizza & football party yesterday.
GO GATORS! Woo hoo!
Christmas is now in full swing at our house. We managed to get all the decorating done on Friday in time for Saturday's big game and now I'm back to work filling all my Christmas orders. I'm a busy little elf these days, but it's oh, so delightful!
And just a little side note: I can't guarantee any orders I receive after Dec 12th, will be in your hot little hands by Christmas, so if you want something, please order it now. I have stood in many a long line at the post office already and of course, there has to be time for me to work my *Christmas magic*.
I hope to post some pics of my latest creations tomorrow, if I get a chance. For now, I am going to fall into my cozy bed for some much needed zzzs.
Night, night!
I hope to post some pics of my latest creations tomorrow, if I get a chance. For now, I am going to fall into my cozy bed for some much needed zzzs.
Night, night!
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